From its diverse landscapes of deserts, mountains, and high plains, folks from all over The Land of Enchantment enjoy many of the freedoms that most Americans embrace. New Mexico holds freedom as a cherished right of all its residents and visitors. If you’re a New Mexico resident or just passing through, you may be curious if kratom is legal in New Mexico.
Kratom Legality in New Mexico
If you’re a fan of kratom or are merely curious about it, you’ll be happy to know that kratom is 100% legal in New Mexico.
Current Status of the Legality of Kratom in New Mexico
As of 2024, kratom is legal in the state of New Mexico, and there doesn’t seem to be any current legislation to ban the sale and possession of it any time soon. The state is one of many in the country that hasn’t adopted the Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA), which places restrictions on the product, such as labeling or age purchasing requirements.
Anyone in the state, regardless of age, can purchase, possess, and use kratom without any restrictions. What makes kratom and New Mexico unique is that there aren’t any legitimate legal debates concerning its regulation. Currently, six states have banned kratom, and with the recent introduction of “CJ’s Law” in New Jersey, they could be the seventh state to ban the product.
Fortunately, for New Mexicans, kratom is legal and isn’t on the state’s radar for any ban or restrictions. Although this could change, it doesn’t appear to be an issue for the state’s lawmakers.

Do You Need Proof That Kratom is Legal in New Mexico? Order MIT45 Kratom Products Online Now!
We are an ethical vendor who follows all state guidelines regarding the sale of kratom. While we have no issues shipping to kratom-regulated and non-regulated states, we absolutely will not ship our products to any state or municipality where its sale has been banned. Fortunately, this doesn’t affect those in New Mexico. However, we don’t accept orders from Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Wisconsin, or Rhode Island since kratom has been banned in those states.
Check out our wide assortment of kratom products, including:
- Liquid Shots and Gels
- Tasty Gummies
- Red, Green, and White Raw Leaf Powder
- Capsules: Raw Leaf and Extract Strength
Do You Want to Be an Advocate for Kratom in New Mexico?
Even though the sale and possession of kratom is perfectly legal within the state, becoming an advocate for it can help protect the rights of those in other parts of the country where this beneficial product is either banned or is facing proposed legislation to ban it. Becoming an advocate can be done in a few different ways.
- Educate yourself: Fans of kratom who educate themselves about its history and benefits can help to better inform your friends and family. Knowing where the fight to keep kratom legal is can also help you to do your part.
- Social media posts: Educate the masses by leveraging the power of your socials. With kratom being such a hotly debated topic, you can help to educate others about many of its misconceptions.
- Support the American Kratom Association: The AKA is the premier kratom advocacy group in the country. They’ve helped to turn the tide in many states that were leaning towards a ban but decided to move forward with enacting the Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA). You can sign their national petition to help keep kratom safe and legal.

Where to Buy Kratom Legally in New Mexico
Since New Mexico is a non-regulated kratom state, finding it shouldn’t be difficult. Kratom can typically be found in vape shops, convenience stores, and sometimes even gas stations. However, if you choose to purchase kratom products from these types of businesses, keep in mind that they could be selling subpar kratom. Kratom sales in unregulated states can be a slippery slope since there aren’t any regulations regarding what can be sold.
Purchasing kratom products without labels listing all their ingredients is always a risk. Unscrupulous vendors can add adulterants like synthetic alkaloids, so you can never be sure if you’re buying pure kratom. We recommend only purchasing from a manufacturer with an AKA vendor certification and a verifiable Certificate of Analysis. The advantage of purchasing your kratom from brick-and-mortar stores is you’ll walk out with it in hand. However, they could be out of stock of your go-to products.
Long-time kratom enthusiasts usually purchase from reputable online vendors, and purchasing in bulk ensures that they always have their favorite product on hand. MIT45 is dedicated to supplying kratom fans with their favorite kratom raw leaf powders, extracts, capsules, and gummies. Our products are lab-tested to ensure they are free of heavy metals, microbes, and other contaminants.
Kratom, Employers, and Drug Testing: What You Need to Know
Kratom should always be used responsibly. New users should start with lower serving sizes and monitor their bodies before increasing the amount. Since everyone reacts differently to kratom strains and serving sizes, starting slow is the best way to go. With this in mind, along with acting in a responsible manner, drug testing shouldn’t be of any concern.
However, many who are new to the world of kratom are curious if kratom shows up in a drug test. The answer is yes and no. The typical drug screen that employers request does not test for kratom’s main alkaloids, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine.
While standard drug screens don’t test for kratom, if an employer wants explicitly to test for the presence of kratom, they would need to order a Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) test. Ordering this type of test is highly unlikely for a typical employment drug screen.
Personal Liberties
Fans of kratom each have their reasons for enjoying this product from Southeast Asia, which has long been used ceremonially and as a productivity aid. Many athletes use kratom for a pre-workout boost that can assist them through a strenuous workout and help them maintain their focus. Whatever your reasons are, you can trust that MIT45 is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.
For further reading:
- Cinosi, Eduardo, et al. “Following the Roots of Kratom.” 10 November 2015
- Kruegel, Andrew C. et al. “7-Hydroxymitragynine Is an Active Metabolite of Mitragynine and a Key Mediator of Its Analgesic Effects.” 29 May 2019
- Trakulsrichai, Satariya, et al. “Pharmacokinetics of Mitragynine in Man.” 29 April 2015